Small Groups

Learning Groups
Small groups are formed throughout the year for Adult Education. Here we learn about our faith, explore new directions in Theology, examine concerns around daily living, and discuss current affairs in the light of our faith.

Some of the programs and topics we have considered recently are below. Checkout the events page.

  • Exploring Spirit
    • Spirituality and Jazz – Live jazz music through which we can explored and experienced the spiritual, enhanced by the shared thoughts of Emmanuel College Associate Professor of Theology (and Jazz Musician) Tom Reynolds and friends.
    • Labyrinth Walk and Potluck Dinner – St Stephen’s on the Hill UC Meditation Labyrinth with facilitator Anne Moore
  • Compassionate Care seminars

Applewood Book Club
September 2024 is the beginning of our 19th year reading and discussing books of all genres. Read More…

Knitting Circle
Our dedicated knitters meet together every other Thursday. This is part of an initiative called the Prayer Shawl Ministry. As the knitters knit, they also pray and their prayers are woven into the stitches of their work. These shawls are then presented to members of our congregation who in nursing homes, hospital, are shut-in, grieving, facing illness, or death. As they get together and knit, they also take care of each other. Read More…