Pastoral Care Team
We are a church who cares for each other. A group of caring volunteers from our church visit those members who can’t make it to church on Sunday or who just need some cheering up, in their homes, retirement homes, or through a phone call. Volunteers are also available where our members may need a drive to appointments or to come to church as they are able.
Taking Worship to Area Retirement Homes
We worship at Beechwood and Parkland on the Glen retirement homes monthly. Several times a year we celebrate communion with them. All residents of these communities are welcome to attend our services. Many of our own church people come along to visit old friends and participate in the services.
The Applewood Prayer Chain
A prayer chain is a way of sharing prayer requests with other spiritual people. They are a means of asking others to remember us, or the people we care about in their prayers. In today’s trying times, it is easy to become overwhelmed with stress and the problems of life. The Applewood Prayer Chain is a network of people who are committed to prayer, and will faithfully lift up the requests and concerns of our congregation, family and friends. All requests are confidential and will not be shared beyond the members of the prayer chain. If you, or someone you know is going through a challenging time, and would like to be included in the prayers of the members of the prayer chain, speak with our minister, Rev. Joanne Hedge, Anne Moore or Joan Marshall.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Our dedicated Knitting Circle meet together every other Thursday, and as they knit, they also pray and their prayers are woven into the stitches of their work. Their shawls and lap rugs are then presented to members of our congregation who are shut-in, grieving, facing illness, or death. Read More…